November 8 - December 20, 2001
Bilkent University


Özlem Sandıkcı and Gülsüm Baydar Nalbantoğlu

Schedule (at 16:45-18:15) on:

  • November 8, Thursday: Stephanie Palmer "The Selling of Moral Misfortune by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps" Banu Helvacıoğlu "Aesthetics of Politics: Body Parts, Dead Bodies and Death Herself"
  • November 21, Wednesday: Thomas Winter "Gender, Race, Consumption and the Body Politic: Peter Roberts, Immigration, Labor Relations, and the Early-Twentieth Century Pennsylvania Anthracite" Gülsüm Baydar Nalbantoğlu "Across the Border: Migration, Space, Women"
  • December 6, Thursday: Gönül Pultar "Ethnic Rites as Sites of Transnational Identity:The Representation of Birth and Death in Fakir Baykurt and Amy Tan" Anthony Lake "Englishness Now and Then: Wordsworth, E. M. Forster, Graham Swift"
  • December 20, Thursday: Varol Akman "Affordances of The Internet" Özlem Sandıkcı and Güliz Ger "Islamic Consumptionscape in Turkey: Practices and Strategies of Faithful Consumption"


  • FEASS (Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences) A-130
Bilkent University
06800 Bilkent – Ankara Turkey
Tel: +90 (312) 290 1253 – Fax: +90 (312) 266 4958