The Center aims to:
- pursue cutting-edge and critical research on theoretical and practice- (managerial or
policy) oriented themes.
- provide a stimulating, challenging, and creative research environment and engage a
critical group of scholars who share research interests in mutually supportive and
encouraging debates.
- disseminate its work through publications, conferences, workshops, seminars, and
Aiming to be interdisciplinary, the CRTS expects to engage
students and scholars from a wide range of disciplines including sociology, anthropology,
demography, political studies, business studies, urban studies, history, media and
communication studies, art theory and literary studies, postcolonial studies, gender
studies, and cultural studies
Regarding Research, the Center:
- encourages and co-ordinates multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary scholarly research.
- promotes comparative studies supported by international scholarly networks.
- assists junior and senior researchers, by acting as a host institute for their research
- undertakes theoretical and practice-oriented research.
- undertakes research, training, and consulting funded by external sponsors.
- provides the opportunity to consult accumulated research materials, databases, and other
documentation at its documentation center and through the links on the Center’s web
Regarding Networking, the Center:
- interacts with universities, centers, and other institutions.
- invites visiting scholars and researchers, including doctoral students.
- organizes conferences, workshops, seminars, and lectures.