Seminar on Consumption Theory
June 8 - 13, 2015
Bilkent University, Ankara Turkey

Mentor Presentations:

Russell Belk
Eileen Fischer | 1 |
Güliz Ger | 1 |
Olga Kravets
Steven Miles | 1 |
Linda Price
Roberta Sassatelli | 1 |


On Consumption (the whole seminar):


  1. Arnould, Eric J. and Craig J. Thompson (2005), "Consumer Culture
    Theory (CCT): Twenty Years of Research
    ", Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (March), 868-882.
  2. Graeber, David, “Consumption,” Current Anthropology , 52: 4, 489-511
  3. Slater, Don (1997), "Consumer Culture and Modernity", UK : Polity Press. chapter 3


  1. Levy 2000, "The Evolution of Qualitative Research in CB".
  2. Garth, Harris (2005), "Sidney Levy: Challenging the Philosophical Assumptions of Marketing", Journal of Macromarketing, Special Issue: the Future of Marketing’s Past Papers from the 2005 CHARM.
  3. Arnould Eric J. and Craig J. Thompson, 2007, "Consumer Culture Theory
    (and We Really Mean Theoretics ): Dilemmas and Opportunities Posed
    by an Academic Branding Strategy," Consumer Culture Theory, Vol 11 of Research in Consumer Behavior, eds., Russell Belk and John Sherry, Oxford, UK : Elsevier.

On Generating Research Questions (for the panel on “Generating research questions”)


  1. Alvesson, Mats & Jörgen Sandberg, 2011 “Generating Research Questions through Problematization,” Academy of Management Review, 32:2, 247-271.
  2. Davis, Murray S., 1971, “That's Interesting! Towards a Phenomenology of Sociology and a Sociology of Phenomenology,” Phil. Soc. Sci. 1, 309-344.

On Theory & Theoretical Contribution (especially for the panel on “Teorizing”):


  1. Ladik, Daniel M. & David W. Stewart, 2008, “The contribution continuum,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 36:157 - 165.
  2. Locke, Karen D. and Karen Golden-Biddle (1997), "Constructing Opportunities for Contribution". Academy of Management Journal. 40(5) 1023 - 1063.
  3. Sutton & Staw ("What Theory is Not"), Weick ("What Theory is Not, Theorizing Is"), P. DiMaggio ("Comments on What Theory is Not"), 1995, Administrative Science Quarterly, 40, 371-397
  4. Mills, Wright C., 2000 (1959), The Sociological Imagination, Chapter 1 "The Promise" and "Appendix: On Intellectual Craftsmanship,” Oxford University Press.
  5. Alvesson and Karreman 2007 "Constructing Mystery: Empirical Matters in Theory Development" The Academy of Management Review, 32: 4, 1265-1281.


  1. Price, L., Arnould, E., Moisio, R. 2006, "Making contexts matter: Selecting
    research contexts for theoretical insights
    ," in: Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing, ed, R. Belk, 106-125
  2. Whetten, 1989, "What Constitutes a Theoretical Contribution?", Academy of Management Review, 14 (4), 490-495
  3. Zaltman, Ge rald, Karen LeMasters, Michael Heffring, 1982, “Being Interesting” in: Theory Construction in Marketing, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 25-44  

On Writing and the Review Process (especially for the panel on “Publishing”):


  1. Boellstorf, Tom, 2008, “Acceptance and Rejection,” American Anthropologist , Vol. 110, No. 4, 409–411
  2. Boellstorf, Tom, 2008, “How to Get an Article Accepted,” American Anthropologist , Vol. 110, No. 3 , 281-283.
  3. Boellstorf, Tom, 2010, “How to Get an Article Accepted(2)”, American Anthropologist, Vol. 112, No. 3, 353-356.


  1. Becker, Howard S. 2007, Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start
    and Finish Your Thesis
    , Book, or Article , Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2nd ed., at least pages 1-25.
  2. Hogg, Margaret and Pauline Mclaran (2008), “Rhetorical issues in writing interpretivist consumer research,” Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal , 11 (2), 130-146.
  3. Sawyer, 1988 (Fall), “How to Write a Painful Marketing Manuscript,” Journal of Marketing Education , 49-53
  4. Holbrook, 1986 (July), “A Note on Sadomasochism in the Review Process,” Journal of Marketing , 104-108

Russell Belk, York University

Title of Talk: “Creating and publishing a conceptual paper”

  1. Belk, R. W. "Things owning Things," under review at the special issue of the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research on sharing and ownership.

Eileen Fischer
, York University

Title of Talk: Assembling a Research Contribution When Things Keep Falling Apart”

  1. Belk, Russell. Eileen Fischer and Robert Kozinets. 2013. Approaches to data analysis, interpretation and theory building for scholarly research. (Chapter 7) in Qualitative Consumer and Marketing Research. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.
  2. Parmentier, Marie-Agnes and Eileen Fischer. 2010. Toward an understanding of relationship formation between consumer collectives and celebrities in the making. First submission to JCR based on dissertation.
  3. Parmentier, Marie-Agnes and Eileen Fischer. 2013. Things fall apart: the dynamics of brand audience dissipation. Submission to JCR in response to “Reject and Resubmit.”
  4. Parmentier, Marie-Agnes and Eileen Fischer. 2015. Things fall apart: the dynamics of brand audience dissipation. Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (February), 1228-1251.

Güliz Ger
, Bilkent University

"Learning from and theorizing based on historical research"

Required Readings:

  1. Karababa, Eminegül and Güliz Ger, 2011, “Early Modern Ottoman
    Coffeehouse Culture and the Formation of the Consumer Subject
    ,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37:5, 737-760.
  2. Trentmann, Frank (2005) Knowing consumers – histories,
    identities, practices: an introduction
    . In The making of the consumer: knowledge, power and identity in the modern world, ed. Frank Trentmann. Oxford: Berg Publishers. pp1-27.
  3. Hilton, Matthew, 2007, "Consumers and the State since the
    Second World War,
    " The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 611; 66

Recommended Readings:

  1. Cohen, L. 2004, "A Consumers' Republic: The Politics of Mass
    Consumption in Postwar America
    ," Journal Of Consumer Research, 31; 236-239
  2. Trentmann, Frank, 2004 "Beyond Consumerism: New Historical
    Perspectives on Consumption
    ", Journal of Contemporary History, 39(3), 373–401.

Olga Kravets

Kravets will moderate the activities.

Steven Miles, Manchester Metropolitan University

Title of Talk: "Why sociology and marketing are wrong: theorising the relationship between structure and agency through the prism of consumption"

Required Readings:

  1. Theorizing for Real” Chapter 9, pp. 163-175 in S. Miles (2001) Social Theory in the Real World, London: Sage.
  2. Lasch, Cristopher (1984) “The Minimal Self”, Psychic Survival in Troubled Times , London: Picador.
  3. Illouz, Eva (2009), “Emotions, Imagination and Consumption:
    A new research agenda
    Journal of Consumer Culture.
  4. Branded Spaces; Branded Consumers: Spaces for Consumption
    and the Uncomfortable Consequences of Complicit Communality
    ”, pp. 217-228, in S. Sonnenburg and L. Baker (eds) Branded Spaces , Berlin: Springer.

Linda L. Price, University of Arizona

Title of Talk: Theory "After the Fact”: What I really meant when I said that 

  1. Family Identity: A Framework of Identity Interplay in Consumption Practices,Journal of Consumer Research, Amber M. Epp and Linda L. Price, June 2008, 50-70.
  2. Designing Solutions around Customer Network Identity Goals,” Amber M. Epp and Linda L. Price, Journal of Marketing, 75, March 2011, 36-54
  3. The Role of Brands and Mediating Technologies in Assembling Long-Distance Family Practices,” Amber M. Epp, Hope Jensen Schau, and Linda L. Price, Journal of Marketing, May 2014, 81-101.
  4. The Heterogeneous and Open-Ended Project of Assembling Family,” Linda L. Price and Amber M. Epp in Assembling Consumption edited by Robin Canniford and Domen Bajde, Routledge Press, Forthcoming 2015.

Roberta Sassatelli

Talk topic: “Consumption, gender and class. The glass cliff of ordinary life.”
